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Holy Land Inc.Projects
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Holy Land Inc.
Friday, 25 June 2004

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Topic: Posting to the blog
Dear Visitor
Due to the corporate nature of the site, posting is limited to Associates and Corporate members.

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All for Zion's Sake!!

Posted by holyland-inc at 11:46 AM
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A word from the Founder
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In short, Holy Land Inc. is a Host, Communications & Service Provider for Projects & Events in ISRAEL; a Business Venture to create and attract the wealth of the nations in accordance with prophesy for our time, viz.
Your gates (O Israel) will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that men may bring you the wealth of the nations.Isaiah 60:11.

We've been seeing the preceding Isaiah 60:4, about the return of the Jewish people, going into fulfillment, but the wealth that has been going there has mostly been from Jews and Christians, not the nations. NOW IS THE TIME!


Quote from our Business Page: Holy Land Incorporated was established to promote every facet of Israel: its possession of the land promised to Abraham, Moses, etc., its resources, its economy and the well-being of it's people the Jews. All of this is scripture based, but it doesn't make Holy Land Inc. a religious organization; it can rather be categorized as a (Biblical) Zionist host of Business & other projects as well as a Service Provider. Zionism to us means to show solidarity with the God of Israel in what he still needs to accomplish with his land and his people.

To be able to function in all these categories, Holy Land Inc. needs to generate income to be utilized for the following:

  1. To cover operational costs and show a profit.
  2. To provide low cost or even free online services to its "non-profit" clients.
  3. To contribute to Israel's economy.

Although Holy Land Inc. has been around for about 6 years, it hasn't attracted any business that could generate a flow of money that would necessitate its official registration as a business. I foresee, however, from my observation of the unfolding of prophesies that a great demand for Holy Land Inc. services might soon develop from a total overturning of the present status quo in Israel. A scenario has been created by the fatal concessions of Israeli politicians in the so-called peace process and the present Unilateral Disengagement, that will put Israel with her back against the wall and force her to take action that will purge most of the Jews' Promised Land (east and west of the Jordan) of their hostile Moslem Arab enemies.

This possibility is explained in Prophetic Wakeup call!!,
at Zionsake, a Biblical Zionist site sponsored by Holy Land Inc. It states that Israel will therefore have to fill the land with people." Various end-time watchers, among whom Dr Gary Collett>
and author Avi Lipken, agree with this view. Avi Lipken predicts that it will be like a "vacuum that will suck in millions of Jews from the diaspora and many Christians.

Due to the increased hatred of Jews in the nations for what Israel has done, people who support Israel will be told, "Well then go there since you like them so much!" -
Gary Collett.

According to the Prophet Obadiah, Israel will actually become a

Quote from Holy Land Inc. Associates Page:
AS we all know, and can see from reports about anti-Semitism, PRESSURE against Israel and Jews is mounting in the nations. This, however, is nothing to way the nations will turn against Israel and Jews should Israel need to take drastic action against the Moslems around them or be annihilated themselves. This backlash in the nations will also spill over on Christians supporting Israel! It can happen any day without prior notice and we need your help to PREPARE A SAFETY NET in Israel for Jews and even Christians who will be SIFTED from the nations!
We need to PREPARE a place for them in ISRAEL and economic viability to sustain them.

Holy Land Inc. proposes to contribute to this SAFETY NET by means of PROJECTS that will CREATE WEALTH and ways to acquire LAND

I propose that Holy Land Inc. be LAUNCHED via
Holy Land Camping.
It will open doors for investment in property, communications, public relations, hospitality services, etc. A VAST industry employing many people.

TO START OFF, we urgently need to acquire a property within close range to Ben Gurion Airport to serve as a first base where 1 or 2 campers can be parked, an office can be set up with communications equipment, living quarters for staff, etc. ...

Please visit
our, ASSOCIATES Page to see how you can help - and benefit from Holy Land Inc.'s activities.

May we prosper together for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
Founder of Holy Land Inc.


remote Posted by holyland-inc at 11:14 PM
Updated: Saturday, 28 August 2004 3:01 PM

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