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Sunday, 22 April 2007
Why we might still be forced to camp in Canaan like Abraham

Dear Friends
Please see my Comment below (as posted at the Holy land Inc. Associates blog). Please visit the site and leave a comment - also consider networking with me by signing up for a Yahoo e-mail and creating your own Israel, end-time, etc., oriented blog that can be linked to Holy Land Inc. Associates as "Friends."
Sincerely for Zion's sake, Philip
A Rabbi's Call to America's Christians - Wake Up! You're Under Attack!

By Rabbi Daniel Lapin I am certainly not a Churchill. I am not even a Revel. I am having enough trouble just trying to be a Lapin. But I am issuing a very serious warning about deep consequences, just as they did. It is a warning about the earliest stages of what could become a cataract of disasters if not resisted now.

During the 1930s, Winston Churchill desperately tried to persuade the English people and their government to see that Hitler meant to end their way of life. The British ignored Churchill which gave Hitler nearly ten years to build up his military forces. It wasn’t until Hitler actually drew blood that the British realized they had a war on their hands. It turned out to be a far longer and more destructive war than it needed to be had Churchill’s early warning been heeded.

In 1983 a brave French writer, Jean-Francois Revel, wrote a book called How Democracies Perish. In this remarkable volume he described how communism’s aim is world conquest. For decades he had been trying to warn of communism’s very real threat. Yet in January 1982, a high State Department official saID: “We Americans are not solving problems, we are the problem.” (Some things never change.) A good portion of the planet fell to communism which brought misery and death to millions because we failed to recognize in time, that others meant to harm us.

Heaven knows there was enough warning during the 1980s about the intention in parts of the Islamic world to take yet another crack at world domination. Yet instead of seeing each deadly assault on our interests around the world as a test of our resolve we ignored it. We failed the test and lost three thousand Americans in two unforgettable hours.

I am not going to argue that what is happening now is on the same scale as the examples I cite above, but a serious war is being waged against a group of Americans. I am certain that if we lose this war, the consequences for American civilization will be dire.

Phase one of this war I describe is a propaganda blitzkrieg that is eerily reminiscent of how effectively the Goebbels propaganda machine softened up the German people for what was to come.

There is no better term than propaganda blitzkrieg to describe what has been unleashed against Christian conservatives recently.

Consider the long list of anti-Christian books that have been published in recent months. Here are just a few samples of more than thirty similar titles, all from mainstream publisheRS:

a.. "American FascisTS: the Christian right and the war on America.”
b.. "The baptizing of AmeriCA: the religious right's plans for the rest of us."
c.. “The End of FaiTH: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason”
d.. "Piety & politiCS: the right-wing assault on religious freedom."
e.. "Atheist univerSE: the thinking person's answer to Christian fundamentalism."
f.. "Thy kingdom coME: how the religious right distorts the faith and threatens America.
g.. "Religion gone bAD: the hidden dangers of the Christian right."
What is truly alarming is that there are more of these books for sale at your local large book store warning against the perils of fervent Christianity than those warning against the perils of fervent Islam. Does anyone seriously think America is more seriously jeopardized by Christian conservatives than by Islamic zealots? I fear that many Americans believe just that in the same way that many pre-WWII westerners considered Churchill a bigger threat than Hitler.

Some may say that today’s proliferation of anti-Christian print propaganda is nothing to become worried about. To them I ask two questioNS:

First, would you be so sanguine if the targets of this loathsome library were black, or say, Jewish? Just try changing the titles in some of the books I mention above to reflect racism or anti-Semitism instead of rampant anti-Christianism and you’ll see what I mean.

Second, major movements, both positive and negative, that changed the way Americans felt and acted came about through books, often only one book. Think of Rachel Carson’s 1962 error-filled “Silent Spring” that resulted in the pointless banning of the insecticide DDT and many unnecessary deaths. Other books that caused upheavals in our nation were Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle,” many of Ayn Rand’s books, and of course “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

No, I would advise you not to underestimate the power of books to alter the behavior of the American public and I fear for an America influenced to detest Christianity by this hate-filled catalog.

It is not just books but popular entertainment also which beams the most lurid anti-Christian propaganda into the hearts and minds of viewers. One need only think of who the real targets of the recent hit movie Borat are. The brilliant Jewish movie maker, Sacha Baron Cohen, as his title character, using borderline dishonest wiles, lures some innocent but unsophisticated country folk, obviously Christians, to join him in his outrageously anti-Semitic antics. Cohen then triumphantly claims to have exposed anti-Semitism. In fact, he has revealed nothing other than the insatiable appetite of America’s social, economic, and academic secular elites for virulent anti-Christianism.

Even the recent PBS documentary, "Anti-Semitism in the 21st CentuRY: The Resurgence," managed to do more attacking Christianity than defending Judaism. Singer Elton John informed the world that he “would ban religion completely.” He wasn’t referring to Buddhism. Rosie O'Donnell said "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam.”

Richard Dawkins, an Oxford University professor is one of the generals in the anti-Christian army of the secular left. American academia treats him with reverence and hangs on his every word when he insists that “religious myths ought not to be tolerated.”

For those with a slightly more tolerant outlook, he asks, “It’s one thing to say people should be free to believe whatever they like, but should they be free impose their beliefs on their children?” Dawkins goes further and suggests that the state should intervene to protect children from their parents’ religious beliefs. Needless to say, he means Christian beliefs of course. Muslim beliefs only add to England’s charmingly diverse cultural landscape.

The war is against those who regard the Bible to be God’s revelation to humanity and the Ten Commandments to be His set of rules for all time. Phase one in this war is to make Christianity, well, sort of socially unacceptable. Something only foolish, poor, and ugly people could turn to.

Churchill correctly identified Hitler’s many incursions as a pathway to the precipice. The twentieth century provided many opportunities to identify the pattern in communism’s aspirations. It shouldn’t have been hard to identify the pattern in Islamic behavior since the 1970s. There is a similar pattern in countless seemingly disconnected assaults against Bible believing Christianity. We must identify the pattern for what it is—an overture to the obliteration of Biblical faith.

We have seen how a carefully constructed campaign pretty much made it socially unacceptable to drink and drive. For years there had been stringent laws against drunk driving. They achieved little. In the end, the practice was all but eliminated by groups allied with Mothers Against Drunk Driving and their effective ways of changing the way that Americans thought about it.

We have seen how a carefully constructed campaign has pretty much made it socially unacceptable to smoke. In the face of a relentless campaign (dare one call it propaganda?) Americans became docile and forfeited the right to make their own decisions. Nobody was willing to stand up to the no-smoking tyrants. Nobody even asked whether health was sufficient grounds for freedom to be reduced. Now entire cities and even states have banned smoking, not only in public places but even in privately owned restaurants.

Considerably more intellectual energy is being pumped into the propaganda campaign against Christianity than was ever delivered to the anti-smoking or anti-drunk-driving campaigns. Fervent zealots of secularism are flinging themselves into this anti-Christian war with enormous fanaticism.

If they succeed, Christianity will be driven underground and its benign influence on the character of America will be lost. In its place we shall see a sinister secularism that menaces Bible believers of all faiths. Once the voice of the Bible has been silenced, the war on western civilization can begin and we shall see a long night of barbarism descend on the west.

Without a vibrant and vital Christianity, America is doomed, and without America, the west is doomed.

Which is why I, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, devoted to Jewish survival, the Torah, and Israel am so terrified of American Christianity caving in.

Many of us Jews are ready to stand with you. But you must lead. You must replace your timidity with nerve and your diffidence with daring and determination. You are under attack. Now is the time for you to resist it.


Toward Tradition president, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, is a noted rabbinic scholar and national public speaker. His radio show broadcasts live over the Internet on KSFO San Francisco each Sunday 1-4pm PST and is the author of three best-selling books, Thou Shall Prosper, America’s Real War and Buried Treasure.

For informatiON: Contact Toward Tradition (800) 591-7579 or

remote Posted by holyland-inc at 1:09 PM
Sunday, 7 May 2006
Combining campsite Development & Green Energy Experiments

Projects Report
Combining campsite Development & Green Energy Experiments


5 May 2006

Campsites turning into villages, is what we envision will evolve from using campsites to settle new Jewish immigrants and gentile refugees from the nations.

However, it has become abundantly clear that the camping project will not get off the ground (or down to earth from cyber space) before conditions develop in the nations in which Jews and their gentile supporters will need to look towards Israel for a refuge. It gives us more time to plan and to attend to other serious needs in Israel, of which the vital need to develop alternative energy sources to polluting fossil fuel. The latter has now moved to the top of our project list and we have realized that the ideal way to pursue it would be to incorporate it into campsite development. It lead to a new visiON: green energy campsites that will become green energy villages. See Holy Land Camping: Green Campsites.

As we explain on our Corporate Associates page, we need to acquire a site fairly close to the Ben Gurion Airport that could initially serve as a launch pad and facilities for various projects that are planned, viz. camping, communications, experimentation/preparation of alternative fuels (renewable energy), etc. We have realized that a fairly big hothouse would be ideal because it could be used as a basecamp for Holy land Camping as well as house some other Holy Land Inc. projects. It doesn't sound very romantic to use it to accommodate newly arrived people camp-style, but one can create an acceptable atmosphere with the use of plants.

And we have found such a site at Kfar Rut on the way to Modiin Ilit. It is a 1 dunam (1/4 acre?) site with uncovered hothouse frames. Other than the frames, that will be handy for many purposes, there is nothing on the site and we will need to construct whatever facilities we need. While this is being done, we can rent a small storeroom in a factory building alongside the hothouse site that can initially serve as an office, a communications center and for storage of equipment.

Meetings are now been set up to negotiate about renting the little storeroom and the hothouse site. Hopefully the little storeroom can be rented for less than 100 USD per month and that we will be able to give assurances that we will be able to pay the rent for a period of time. It seems that we have reached the situation in which Israel "waxes lean" (stripped to the bone) that will be characteristic of at the time of the "overnight" war predicted in Isaiah 17. Since my future and that of Holy Land Inc. and it's projects are tied up with the fulfillment of the Isaiah 17 (The eastbank of the Jordan becoming available to Israel to reclaim), our situation also happens to reflects the depleted economic situation prior to that war.

We therefore need to make do without an address or a budget and can only publish material and execute projects on free web space - because nothing has so far happened that would cause people to take note of the potential of investments in Israel.

The good news is, though, that many more people have lately visited our Holy Land Inc. websites, that could reflect a growing interest in Israel. One of these visitors to our websites, an American lady, expressed complete agreement with our strategy to settle land by means of campsites as well as the concept of creating highways from the nations to Jerusalem - by setting up tabernacles to serve as service and information centers along the way. She is hoping that we would be able to provide her with a place to camp when she visits Israel by the end of May 2006.

Perhaps this flickering of increased interest in Israel might be enough incentive for some people who are waiting and watching to take heed of our aims, as in the banner below, and come on board to help us in ways suggested on our Corporate Associates page.

COUNTER anti-Semitism; persecution of Jews,
Christians with PROSPERITY, a refuge in Israel

As always, sincerely for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
of Holy Land Inc Sites

5 May 2006

remote Posted by holyland-inc at 10:21 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
Sunday, 20 November 2005
The Holy Land Camping vision to settle the land
P.O.Box 31992, Jerusalem 00101 ISRAEL. Tel. (00972) (0)50-539-7969 20 November
Dear Friends

RE: Establishing A Manufacturing Company

This is, of course, what will evolve from providing for new Jewish
immigrants and gentile refugees who might need to flee the nations due to
their support for Israel, or for being witnessing Christians. However,
the Lord is just letting this project together with other Holy Land Inc.
projects that are intended to create wealth in Israel, sit out in (free)
cyber space (See Report). That is, until Monday night when I entered into
some serious praying and the Lord came through, telling me to go and look
for a little space in a semi-industrial area in Modiin, close to the
airport, that he'd shown me before. I was to ask my
Canadian-American-Israeli friend John Saxton to join me and to start the
project "vagabond-style" -roughing it for a while by living at the
premises we find for an office and a workshop. John agreed to go today,
but appeared to be dragging his feet a little in getting to the bus stop,
because he's never really been interested in my camping project. So I
prayed, "please Lord, show him something that will 'turn him on!'" As we
approached our destination we saw a lot of potential in the form of
unused hothouses, storerooms and shacks, and the second inquiry we
made landed us inside a storeroom that made John exclaim, "Hey I can
build a boat here...!" That took us back to what brought us together
some five years ago, namely his desire to revive the Voice of Hope Gospel
radio station that used to operate from Lebanon. His idea was to
broadcast from a boat that needed to be built or bought. (He actually had
a beautiful yacht he'd built in South Africa, but it wasn't big enough -
it was anyway being used for ministry). All I could contribute was the
website for Voice of Hope Radio. after which the project also just
remained dormant in cyber space due to the huge investment it required.
Sadly, John's yacht was also even recently driven on the rocks by the
south-easter wind off the Cape. Today, however, the Lord opened the door
for us to do whatever we like by renting this approx. 100 sq. meter
factory space for a mere $250 a month - it also has a lot of space
outside to work and park things. The $250 a month is of course not where
it will end, but John already has a lot of material for a boat stashed
away, as well as most of the tools he will need. And Modiin isn't just
close to the airport (to facilitate dealing with new "camping arrivals"),
it is also quite close (about 40km) to Jaffo harbor to serve the
profitable boat trade in the Mediterranean Sea. It takes a long time to
build a boat, but John also has quick-to-build ideas, like Asian rafters
and small boats with masts for dams and calm waters, to facilitate a
quick turnover. In addition we also need to build campers that can be
mounted on trucks for ourselves and to sell - not that we have a truck or
a vehicle of any kind!; that is the next priority. The Lord leading us to
find a suitable place to operate from, does probably not mean that he
would just let the funds we need fall in our laps. What he has more
likely done, is to give us something tangible to put on the table to
solicit venture capital. Not a donation, a loan - in faith - repayable in
future with interested or some other benefit, like shares, timeshare in a
camper or a mobile home, etc. That's what I'm asking for in this
letter, to help us to get going; to start producing and to set up a
company in the near future (viz. "Jonah Kelim Co Ltd." - [Jonah Vessels -
on land, water & in the Lord]). Obviously, we intend to be completely
transparent and accountable for all monies received. For anyone who would
dare to take the plunge - and soon because John and I have both run out
of resources due to the Lord having kept us dangling for so long - my
financial facilities are the followiNG:


PayPal Acc. is e-maIL:


Bank of the West, U.S.A., 90-78/1211 Acc. # 186115770 - Linked to
MasterCard 5403 2470 2283 1514 Valid until 2008 (All in the name of
Philip van Blom).


Bank Ben Leumi, Israel 31-012 Acc. # 105922455. SWIFT: - FIRBILIT.XXX (in
the name of Philip Blom).


Or speak to my South African partner in our Highways to Jerusalem
project, Koos Huyser, about funding his account for us. Telephone
(27-31) 066-592-538.
ABSA Bank Acc. # 9120467731 with Maestro Card Acc. # 111124102551

Sincerely for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
Founder of Holy Land Inc Sites


remote Posted by holyland-inc at 1:11 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
The Holy Land Camping vision to settle the land
P.O.Box 31992, Jerusalem 00101 ISRAEL. Tel. (00972) (0)50-539-7969 20 November
Dear Friends

RE: Establishing A Manufacturing Company

This is, of course, what will evolve from providing for new Jewish
immigrants and gentile refugees who might need to flee the nations due to
their support for Israel, or for being witnessing Christians. However,
the Lord is just letting this project together with other Holy Land Inc.
projects that are intended to create wealth in Israel, sit out in (free)
cyber space (See Report). That is, until Monday night when I entered into
some serious praying and the Lord came through, telling me to go and look
for a little space in a semi-industrial area in Modiin, close to the
airport, that he'd shown me before. I was to ask my
Canadian-American-Israeli friend John Saxton to join me and to start the
project "vagabond-style" -roughing it for a while by living at the
premises we find for an office and a workshop. John agreed to go today,
but appeared to be dragging his feet a little in getting to the bus stop,
because he's never really been interested in my camping project. So I
prayed, "please Lord, show him something that will 'turn him on!'" As we
approached our destination we saw a lot of potential in the form of
unused hothouses, storerooms and shacks, and the second inquiry we
made landed us inside a storeroom that made John exclaim, "Hey I can
build a boat here...!" That took us back to what brought us together
some five years ago, namely his desire to revive the Voice of Hope Gospel
radio station that used to operate from Lebanon. His idea was to
broadcast from a boat that needed to be built or bought. (He actually had
a beautiful yacht he'd built in South Africa, but it wasn't big enough -
it was anyway being used for ministry). All I could contribute was the
website for Voice of Hope Radio. after which the project also just
remained dormant in cyber space due to the huge investment it required.
Sadly, John's yacht was also even recently driven on the rocks by the
south-easter wind off the Cape. Today, however, the Lord opened the door
for us to do whatever we like by renting this approx. 100 sq. meter
factory space for a mere $250 a month - it also has a lot of space
outside to work and park things. The $250 a month is of course not where
it will end, but John already has a lot of material for a boat stashed
away, as well as most of the tools he will need. And Modiin isn't just
close to the airport (to facilitate dealing with new "camping arrivals"),
it is also quite close (about 40km) to Jaffo harbor to serve the
profitable boat trade in the Mediterranean Sea. It takes a long time to
build a boat, but John also has quick-to-build ideas, like Asian rafters
and small boats with masts for dams and calm waters, to facilitate a
quick turnover. In addition we also need to build campers that can be
mounted on trucks for ourselves and to sell - not that we have a truck or
a vehicle of any kind!; that is the next priority. The Lord leading us to
find a suitable place to operate from, does probably not mean that he
would just let the funds we need fall in our laps. What he has more
likely done, is to give us something tangible to put on the table to
solicit venture capital. Not a donation, a loan - in faith - repayable in
future with interested or some other benefit, like shares, timeshare in a
camper or a mobile home, etc. That's what I'm asking for in this
letter, to help us to get going; to start producing and to set up a
company in the near future (viz. "Jonah Kelim Co Ltd." - [Jonah Vessels -
on land, water & in the Lord]). Obviously, we intend to be completely
transparent and accountable for all monies received. For anyone who would
dare to take the plunge - and soon because John and I have both run out
of resources due to the Lord having kept us dangling for so long - my
financial facilities are the followiNG:


PayPal Acc. is e-maIL:


Bank of the West, U.S.A., 90-78/1211 Acc. # 186115770 - Linked to
MasterCard 5403 2470 2283 1514 Valid until 2008 (All in the name of
Philip van Blom).


Bank Ben Leumi, Israel 31-012 Acc. # 105922455. SWIFT: - FIRBILIT.XXX (in
the name of Philip Blom).


Or speak to my South African partner in our Highways to Jerusalem
project, Koos Huyser, about funding his account for us. Telephone
(27-31) 066-592-538.
ABSA Bank Acc. # 9120467731 with Maestro Card Acc. # 111124102551

Sincerely for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
Founder of Holy Land Inc Sites


remote Posted by holyland-inc at 1:11 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
The Holy Land Camping vision to settle the land
P.O.Box 31992, Jerusalem 00101 ISRAEL. Tel. (00972) (0)50-539-7969 20 November
Dear Friends

RE: Establishing A Manufacturing Company

This is, of course, what will evolve from providing for new Jewish
immigrants and gentile refugees who might need to flee the nations due to
their support for Israel, or for being witnessing Christians. However,
the Lord is just letting this project together with other Holy Land Inc.
projects that are intended to create wealth in Israel, sit out in (free)
cyber space (See Report). That is, until Monday night when I entered into
some serious praying and the Lord came through, telling me to go and look
for a little space in a semi-industrial area in Modiin, close to the
airport, that he'd shown me before. I was to ask my
Canadian-American-Israeli friend John Saxton to join me and to start the
project "vagabond-style" -roughing it for a while by living at the
premises we find for an office and a workshop. John agreed to go today,
but appeared to be dragging his feet a little in getting to the bus stop,
because he's never really been interested in my camping project. So I
prayed, "please Lord, show him something that will 'turn him on!'" As we
approached our destination we saw a lot of potential in the form of
unused hothouses, storerooms and shacks, and the second inquiry we
made landed us inside a storeroom that made John exclaim, "Hey I can
build a boat here...!" That took us back to what brought us together
some five years ago, namely his desire to revive the Voice of Hope Gospel
radio station that used to operate from Lebanon. His idea was to
broadcast from a boat that needed to be built or bought. (He actually had
a beautiful yacht he'd built in South Africa, but it wasn't big enough -
it was anyway being used for ministry). All I could contribute was the
website for Voice of Hope Radio. after which the project also just
remained dormant in cyber space due to the huge investment it required.
Sadly, John's yacht was also even recently driven on the rocks by the
south-easter wind off the Cape. Today, however, the Lord opened the door
for us to do whatever we like by renting this approx. 100 sq. meter
factory space for a mere $250 a month - it also has a lot of space
outside to work and park things. The $250 a month is of course not where
it will end, but John already has a lot of material for a boat stashed
away, as well as most of the tools he will need. And Modiin isn't just
close to the airport (to facilitate dealing with new "camping arrivals"),
it is also quite close (about 40km) to Jaffo harbor to serve the
profitable boat trade in the Mediterranean Sea. It takes a long time to
build a boat, but John also has quick-to-build ideas, like Asian rafters
and small boats with masts for dams and calm waters, to facilitate a
quick turnover. In addition we also need to build campers that can be
mounted on trucks for ourselves and to sell - not that we have a truck or
a vehicle of any kind!; that is the next priority. The Lord leading us to
find a suitable place to operate from, does probably not mean that he
would just let the funds we need fall in our laps. What he has more
likely done, is to give us something tangible to put on the table to
solicit venture capital. Not a donation, a loan - in faith - repayable in
future with interested or some other benefit, like shares, timeshare in a
camper or a mobile home, etc. That's what I'm asking for in this
letter, to help us to get going; to start producing and to set up a
company in the near future (viz. "Jonah Kelim Co Ltd." - [Jonah Vessels -
on land, water & in the Lord]). Obviously, we intend to be completely
transparent and accountable for all monies received. For anyone who would
dare to take the plunge - and soon because John and I have both run out
of resources due to the Lord having kept us dangling for so long - my
financial facilities are the followiNG:


PayPal Acc. is e-maIL:


Bank of the West, U.S.A., 90-78/1211 Acc. # 186115770 - Linked to
MasterCard 5403 2470 2283 1514 Valid until 2008 (All in the name of
Philip van Blom).


Bank Ben Leumi, Israel 31-012 Acc. # 105922455. SWIFT: - FIRBILIT.XXX (in
the name of Philip Blom).


Or speak to my South African partner in our Highways to Jerusalem
project, Koos Huyser, about funding his account for us. Telephone
(27-31) 066-592-538.
ABSA Bank Acc. # 9120467731 with Maestro Card Acc. # 111124102551

Sincerely for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
Founder of Holy Land Inc Sites


remote Posted by holyland-inc at 1:11 PM
Post Comment | Permalink

P.O.Box 31992, Jerusalem 00101
ISRAEL. Tel. (00972) (0)50-539-7969 

20 November

Dear Friends


Re: Starting a Manufacturing Company


This is, of course, what will evolve from providing for
new Jewish immigrants and gentile refugees who might need to flee the
nations due to their support for Israel, or for
being witnessing Christians.


However, the Lord is just letting this project together
with other Holy Land Inc.
projects that are intended to create wealth in Israel, sit out in (free)
cyber space (See href="">Report). That is,
until Monday night when I entered into some serious praying and the
Lord came through, telling me to go and look for a little space in a
semi-industrial area in Modiin, close to the airport, that he'd shown me
before. I was to ask my Canadian-American-Israeli friend John Saxton to
join me and to start the project "vagabond-style" -roughing it for a while
by living at the premises we find for an office and a
workshop.  John agreed to go today, but appeared to be dragging
his feet a little in getting to the bus stop, because he's never
really been interested in my camping project. So I prayed, "please
Lord, show him something that will 'turn him on!'" As we approached our
destination we saw a lot of potential in the form of unused hothouses,
storerooms and shacks, and the second inquiry we made landed
us inside a storeroom that made John exclaim, "Hey I can
build a boat here...!"


That took us back to what brought us together
some five years ago, namely his desire to revive the Voice of Hope
Gospel radio station that used to operate from Lebanon. His idea was to
broadcast from a boat that needed to be built or bought. (He actually had
a beautiful yacht he'd built in South Africa, but it wasn't big enough -
it was anyway being used for ministry). All I could contribute was the
website for Voice of
Hope Radio.
 after which the project also just remained dormant in
cyber space due to the huge investment it required. Sadly,
John's yacht was also even recently driven on the rocks by the
south-easter wind off the Cape.


Today, however, the Lord opened the door for us to do
whatever we like by renting this approx. 100 sq. meter factory space
for a mere $250 a month - it also has a lot of space outside to work and
park things. The $250 a month is of course not where it will
end, but John already has a lot of material for a boat stashed away, as
well as most of the tools he will need. And Modiin isn't just close to the
airport (to facilitate dealing with new "camping arrivals"), it is
also quite close (about 40km) to Jaffo harbor to serve the profitable boat
trade in the Mediterranean Sea.  It takes a long time to build a
boat, but John also has quick-to-build ideas, like Asian rafters
and small boats with masts for dams and calm waters,
to facilitate a quick turnover. In addition we also need to build
campers that can be mounted on trucks for ourselves and to sell - not that
we have a truck or a vehicle of any kind!; that is the next priority.


The Lord leading us to find a suitable place to
operate from, does probably not mean that he would just let the funds
we need fall in our laps. What he has more likely done, is to give us
something tangible to put on the table to solicit venture capital. Not a
donation, a loan - in faith - repayable in future with
interested or some other benefit, like shares, timeshare in a camper or a
mobile home, etc.  That's what I'm asking for  in this letter,
to help us to get going; to start producing and to set up a
company in the near future (viz. "Jonah
Co Ltd." - [Jonah Vessels - on land, water
& in the Lord]). Obviously, we intend to be completely transparent and
accountable for all monies received.


For anyone who would dare to take the plunge - and soon
because John and I have both run out of resources due to the Lord having
kept us dangling for so long - my financial facilities are the


Acc. is e-mail:


Bank of the
, U.S.A., 90-78/1211 Acc. # 186115770 - color=#008080>Linked to MasterCard 5403 2470
2283 1514  Valid until
 (All in the name of Philip van

Bank Ben Leumi,
Israel 31-012 Acc. # 105922455. SWIFT:- FIRBILIT.XXX (in the
name of Philip Blom).


speak to my South African partner in our href="">Highways to Jerusalem
project, Koos Huyser, about funding his account for us.
Telephone (27-31) 066-592-538.
ABSA Bank Acc. # 9120467731
with Maestro Card Acc. #

for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
Founder of href="">Holy Land Inc





Posted by holyland-inc at 12:57 PM
Saturday, 28 August 2004
Please Give us some feedback
Topic: Corporate

Posted by holyland-inc at 2:42 PM
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Friday, 20 August 2004
Online Business
Topic: Web Consulting

Starting an online business and make money

It's all about INCREASING

From our experience and that of clients we have worked with, we would like to list the following points:

Don't just STORM in!
Most people embark into the world of online money-making schemes with the misconception that all it takes is to set up a website for the business and people will come running. They then proceed to spend whatever money it takes to set themselves up with the best and fastest systems they have heard are around and available. They sincerely believe that spending the money is justified since having the "systems" is all it takes to make money online.

They don't even consider that they might lose their money and won't get an online business going. NO, there is better way: First do a lot of talking and then start small, with the smallest possible outlay of capital - especially if you have to borrow it or need it for something else, viz.

Talk to people on discussion forums and wherever else you can find them to find out:
* How many people are actually making money online and how they do it.
* What business might work from your location - esp. if you're living outside the U.S.A.
* How many people you need to contact to make a sale.
* The demand for your product or service.
* Would a business involve "spamming."
* Would you need to pay for promotions.

The Golden Rule is also: Don't over CAPITALIZE!. That is for:

The hardware you need to buy depends on what you want to do with it and how much you know. Can you afford to call in a technician everytime something goes wrong?

It is unfortunately true that some new programs are writen for the latest operating systems, like Windows XP that doesn't run on older and/or slower computers If you absolutely need to use such a program (and know how to), you need to invest in a computer that can run it, viz. Pentium 4.

Don't pay for software you don't need or that you can get for free, like shareware.

Internet Connection
Don't pay for fast, braud band, access at say $50 a month, if you can get by on a limited access contract for say $10 a month. Don't, therefore, sign up for programs that require you to be online for extended times. ONLY INDULGE IN THE LUXURY OF BROADBAND WHEN YOUR BUSINESS CAN PAY FOR IT!

Signup for business schemes
Never pay for a scheme before you have some indication that it would work. Even then, go in at the lowest level and upgrade when you're sure you'll get your money back.

* * *

May this help prospective online intepreneurs to assess their chances of making money online. It should be kept in mind that just a few businesses actually generate a lot of sales online but that does not negate to need for any business or organization to be suitably represensented online with a website that reflects sophistication and professionalism. Remember, your website has become your stationery and your shop window.

Holy land Inc. Web Consulting Services

Click to see how Holy Land Inc. can help you with your website, e-mail, etc.

Friday, 25 June 2004

Mood:  bright
Now Playing: admin
Topic: Posting to the blog
Dear Visitor
Due to the corporate nature of the site, posting is limited to Associates and Corporate members.

You are able to COMMENT, however, and we would like to encourage you to let us know what think. Yust hit the "Comment" link below the entries and type us a message.

"Comments" are not published staight away, the blog administrator first screens them and then post them at his discretion.

Your Message can therefore be of a personal nature. And we promise that we won't publish, it if you spicifically instructs us not to do so.

All for Zion's Sake!!

Posted by holyland-inc at 11:46 AM
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A word from the Founder
Now Playing: Founder

In short, Holy Land Inc. is a Host, Communications & Service Provider for Projects & Events in ISRAEL; a Business Venture to create and attract the wealth of the nations in accordance with prophesy for our time, viz.
Your gates (O Israel) will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that men may bring you the wealth of the nations.Isaiah 60:11.

We've been seeing the preceding Isaiah 60:4, about the return of the Jewish people, going into fulfillment, but the wealth that has been going there has mostly been from Jews and Christians, not the nations. NOW IS THE TIME!


Quote from our Business Page: Holy Land Incorporated was established to promote every facet of Israel: its possession of the land promised to Abraham, Moses, etc., its resources, its economy and the well-being of it's people the Jews. All of this is scripture based, but it doesn't make Holy Land Inc. a religious organization; it can rather be categorized as a (Biblical) Zionist host of Business & other projects as well as a Service Provider. Zionism to us means to show solidarity with the God of Israel in what he still needs to accomplish with his land and his people.

To be able to function in all these categories, Holy Land Inc. needs to generate income to be utilized for the following:

  1. To cover operational costs and show a profit.
  2. To provide low cost or even free online services to its "non-profit" clients.
  3. To contribute to Israel's economy.

Although Holy Land Inc. has been around for about 6 years, it hasn't attracted any business that could generate a flow of money that would necessitate its official registration as a business. I foresee, however, from my observation of the unfolding of prophesies that a great demand for Holy Land Inc. services might soon develop from a total overturning of the present status quo in Israel. A scenario has been created by the fatal concessions of Israeli politicians in the so-called peace process and the present Unilateral Disengagement, that will put Israel with her back against the wall and force her to take action that will purge most of the Jews' Promised Land (east and west of the Jordan) of their hostile Moslem Arab enemies.

This possibility is explained in Prophetic Wakeup call!!,
at Zionsake, a Biblical Zionist site sponsored by Holy Land Inc. It states that Israel will therefore have to fill the land with people." Various end-time watchers, among whom Dr Gary Collett>
and author Avi Lipken, agree with this view. Avi Lipken predicts that it will be like a "vacuum that will suck in millions of Jews from the diaspora and many Christians.

Due to the increased hatred of Jews in the nations for what Israel has done, people who support Israel will be told, "Well then go there since you like them so much!" -
Gary Collett.

According to the Prophet Obadiah, Israel will actually become a

Quote from Holy Land Inc. Associates Page:
AS we all know, and can see from reports about anti-Semitism, PRESSURE against Israel and Jews is mounting in the nations. This, however, is nothing to way the nations will turn against Israel and Jews should Israel need to take drastic action against the Moslems around them or be annihilated themselves. This backlash in the nations will also spill over on Christians supporting Israel! It can happen any day without prior notice and we need your help to PREPARE A SAFETY NET in Israel for Jews and even Christians who will be SIFTED from the nations!
We need to PREPARE a place for them in ISRAEL and economic viability to sustain them.

Holy Land Inc. proposes to contribute to this SAFETY NET by means of PROJECTS that will CREATE WEALTH and ways to acquire LAND

I propose that Holy Land Inc. be LAUNCHED via
Holy Land Camping.
It will open doors for investment in property, communications, public relations, hospitality services, etc. A VAST industry employing many people.

TO START OFF, we urgently need to acquire a property within close range to Ben Gurion Airport to serve as a first base where 1 or 2 campers can be parked, an office can be set up with communications equipment, living quarters for staff, etc. ...

Please visit
our, ASSOCIATES Page to see how you can help - and benefit from Holy Land Inc.'s activities.

May we prosper together for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
Founder of Holy Land Inc.


remote Posted by holyland-inc at 11:14 PM
Updated: Saturday, 28 August 2004 3:01 PM

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