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Holy Land Inc.Projects
Holyland Camping
Holy Land Inc.
Sunday, 20 November 2005

P.O.Box 31992, Jerusalem 00101
ISRAEL. Tel. (00972) (0)50-539-7969 

20 November

Dear Friends


Re: Starting a Manufacturing Company


This is, of course, what will evolve from providing for
new Jewish immigrants and gentile refugees who might need to flee the
nations due to their support for Israel, or for
being witnessing Christians.


However, the Lord is just letting this project together
with other Holy Land Inc.
projects that are intended to create wealth in Israel, sit out in (free)
cyber space (See href="">Report). That is,
until Monday night when I entered into some serious praying and the
Lord came through, telling me to go and look for a little space in a
semi-industrial area in Modiin, close to the airport, that he'd shown me
before. I was to ask my Canadian-American-Israeli friend John Saxton to
join me and to start the project "vagabond-style" -roughing it for a while
by living at the premises we find for an office and a
workshop.  John agreed to go today, but appeared to be dragging
his feet a little in getting to the bus stop, because he's never
really been interested in my camping project. So I prayed, "please
Lord, show him something that will 'turn him on!'" As we approached our
destination we saw a lot of potential in the form of unused hothouses,
storerooms and shacks, and the second inquiry we made landed
us inside a storeroom that made John exclaim, "Hey I can
build a boat here...!"


That took us back to what brought us together
some five years ago, namely his desire to revive the Voice of Hope
Gospel radio station that used to operate from Lebanon. His idea was to
broadcast from a boat that needed to be built or bought. (He actually had
a beautiful yacht he'd built in South Africa, but it wasn't big enough -
it was anyway being used for ministry). All I could contribute was the
website for Voice of
Hope Radio.
 after which the project also just remained dormant in
cyber space due to the huge investment it required. Sadly,
John's yacht was also even recently driven on the rocks by the
south-easter wind off the Cape.


Today, however, the Lord opened the door for us to do
whatever we like by renting this approx. 100 sq. meter factory space
for a mere $250 a month - it also has a lot of space outside to work and
park things. The $250 a month is of course not where it will
end, but John already has a lot of material for a boat stashed away, as
well as most of the tools he will need. And Modiin isn't just close to the
airport (to facilitate dealing with new "camping arrivals"), it is
also quite close (about 40km) to Jaffo harbor to serve the profitable boat
trade in the Mediterranean Sea.  It takes a long time to build a
boat, but John also has quick-to-build ideas, like Asian rafters
and small boats with masts for dams and calm waters,
to facilitate a quick turnover. In addition we also need to build
campers that can be mounted on trucks for ourselves and to sell - not that
we have a truck or a vehicle of any kind!; that is the next priority.


The Lord leading us to find a suitable place to
operate from, does probably not mean that he would just let the funds
we need fall in our laps. What he has more likely done, is to give us
something tangible to put on the table to solicit venture capital. Not a
donation, a loan - in faith - repayable in future with
interested or some other benefit, like shares, timeshare in a camper or a
mobile home, etc.  That's what I'm asking for  in this letter,
to help us to get going; to start producing and to set up a
company in the near future (viz. "Jonah
Co Ltd." - [Jonah Vessels - on land, water
& in the Lord]). Obviously, we intend to be completely transparent and
accountable for all monies received.


For anyone who would dare to take the plunge - and soon
because John and I have both run out of resources due to the Lord having
kept us dangling for so long - my financial facilities are the


Acc. is e-mail:


Bank of the
, U.S.A., 90-78/1211 Acc. # 186115770 - color=#008080>Linked to MasterCard 5403 2470
2283 1514  Valid until
 (All in the name of Philip van

Bank Ben Leumi,
Israel 31-012 Acc. # 105922455. SWIFT:- FIRBILIT.XXX (in the
name of Philip Blom).


speak to my South African partner in our href="">Highways to Jerusalem
project, Koos Huyser, about funding his account for us.
Telephone (27-31) 066-592-538.
ABSA Bank Acc. # 9120467731
with Maestro Card Acc. #

for Zion's sake.
Philip Blom
Founder of href="">Holy Land Inc





Posted by holyland-inc at 12:57 PM

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