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Holy Land Incorporated was established to promote every facet of  Israel: its possession of the land  promised to Abraham, Moses, etc., its resources, its economy and the well-being of it's people the Jews. All of this is scripturally based, but it doesn't make Holy Land Inc. a religious website; it can rather be categorized as  a Zionist Political, Government, Business, Social & Environmental site. Zionism to us means to show solidarity with the God of Israel in what he still needs to accomplish with his land and his people.

To be able to function in all these categories, Holy Land Inc. needs to generate income to be utilized for the following:

  1. To cover operational costs and show a profit.
  2. To provide low cost or even free online services to its "non-profit" clients.
  3. To contribute to Israel's economy.

It is perfectly realistic to expect to profit and to be richly blessed and rewarded from these activities due to the spiritual principle involved in the promise to Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you" - find more details at: Bless Israel.  This principal also applies to those doing business with us in Israel: they will generate blessings for themselves.

In addition to this, investors in Israel can expect to benefit from the increasing fulfillment in our times of the prophecy:

Your gates (O Israel) will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that men may bring you the wealth of the nations! (Isaiah 60:11) We've been seeing the preceding Isaiah 60:4 about the return of the Jewish people going into fulfillment, but the wealth that has been going there has mostly been from Jews and Christians, not the nations. NOW IS THE TIME!

To achieve our mission to facilitate in wealth building in Israel, we need to be involved in:

our existing or proposed business venture. Please Click here to see how Holy Land Inc. intends to advance your business, or contact us by e-mail. In view of the aim to help bring the wealth of the nations to Israel, we prefer to be involved in the marketing of Israeli products and technology.

The local concerns we presently promote are the following:
Pegasus invented the PC NoteTaker, the Digital Electronic Pen that uses regular paper Pegasus PC NoteTaker (below)

Jewish National Fund (JNF) - Plant a tree in Israel - Participate in the greening of the Holy Land right from your computer. Planting trees helps the environment by preventing soil erosion, attracting rain and pushing the desert back. Plant a tree in Israel to honor someone, a family, a group of people, etc. It is probably one of the most powerful ways there is to convey special feelings to others. Click to see how the founder of Holy Land Inc., Philip Blom's family was honored by Jewish friends when their oldest son died in an accident. 

Holy Land Camping Holyland Camping, a business opportunity to exploit the present void of campsites, caravans, campers, etc. in Israel
Manufacture biodiesel from used cooking oil Launch country-wide production of alternative fuels in Israel, viz. biodiesel from used vegetable oil.

To achieve our aims we need to be involved in the efforts of many more intrepreneurs and we will pursue every possible  means to find them - if they don't find us! See also our appeal to help to create wealth in Israel to prepare for refugees!

Pegasus invented the PC NoteTaker, the
Digital Electronic Pen that uses regular paper

Pegasus invented the PC NoteTaker, the Digital Electronic Pen that uses regular paper

USA Israel supports Israel business

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-Your Gateway to involvement in Israel
Your Gateway       to involvement in Israel

. List your Israel related site at Highways to Jerusalem

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